Reflect, Review and REFOCUS

Posted on December 29, 2014 by

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Now that you have had a chance to Reflect and Review your accomplishments and challenges for 2014, what’s next?  It’s time to complete the final step and Refocus your plans and goals for 2015. Because it can be a challenge to stay focused on your goals, embrace goals that are within reach and only choose those that will have a significant impact on your ability to improve your executive presence and leadership skills.

For next year, decide to choose quality over quantity. Make sure the goals chosen are not a vague mixture of broad ambitions, but are targeted, meaningful, and achievable. This is why I’m a big believer in taking time to reflect on what happened in 2014 before quickly deciding the plans for the New Year. You need to be clear-headed and energized about what particular goals are best suited for you going forward.

Once you have put some thought into your vision for the future, set goals that are achievable rather than striving for perfectionism.  Then consider this simplified approach below to help you set your goals and to maintain the resolve and commitment to achieve them during 2015.  Here are three guidelines:

1. Select one to three meaningful goals that will have a significant impact

These are also known as “stretch goals”. The type that make you work hard to achieve them and relate to your long term personal vision. When it comes to goals, research and experience show that you’re much more likely to be successful if you: (1) lay out a small list of very specific, motivating and measureable goals, (2) outline a clear plan of action to achieve them, and (3) plan for what will happen in case of setbacks, distractions, and interruptions. Revisit your Reflect and Review journals/writings and consider: What matters most to you in the coming year? How does this goal fit into your long term vision? What are you passionate about and well-equipped to achieve? Choose your goals wisely, and commit to them completely.

2. Write down, document, video and/or create an audio of your goals 

This is a key step to keep you focused towards achieving your goals.  Write, video, and/or create an audio and refer to them daily, weekly. Research indicates that people who merely thought about their goals and how to reach them succeeded less than 50% of the time, while people who wrote goals down, and enlisted friends to help them by sending regular progress reports succeeded closer to 75% of the time

3. Remove the inessentials with a “stop doing” list

Chances are you probably weren’t working at full capacity last year. You probably felt too busy at times and may now be wondering, what did I do that was important towards reaching my career goals?  Now with 2015 fast approaching where will the extra bandwidth that you need to work on these new resolutions come from? Bestselling author Jim Collins’ “Stop Doing List” suggests that you look at the things that are taking up a lot of unnecessary energy and time, and remove them from your day to day. This is how to gain the time needed to reach your new goals, meaning that you’re going to have to give up something, people or activities that no longer are keeping you focused on what is important. It may be committing to answering emails between certain hours, or leaving the office at 6PM and not doing any work until the morning so you can de stress and relax.  Or,  reevaluate your network, friends and relationships.   Ask yourself the value that each person represents towards making you a better person and more effective leader.   Further evaluate how they influence and shape the ways you think, act and innovate.   Are they helping you elevate your strengths or merely accentuating your weaknesses?  Identify what those items, activities and people are and commit to NOT doing them.

That’s it.  Sounds simple, and it is.  However to achieve your goals, you need discipline.  Do take some time to reflect, review and then refocus for 2015.   Do more of what energizes you, and reap the rewards. Next year at this time, you will feel accomplished, renewed and energized. Trust yourself to walk into 2015 with a positive mind, “yes, I can” attitude and make small changes that lead to big results. Keep moving towards the things that you love and make you feel alive, and that path will lead you towards true change and growth.

Here’s to a successful 2015.  Happy New Year!