5 Simple Steps to Help You Achieve Your Goals

Posted on January 21, 2016 by



Goal setting

The challenge most people face is identifying business goals and then having the discipline to follow through to achieve them. As we know, throughout the year there are many obstacles and hurdles that come up. And at some point, many of us end up giving up or procrastinating or forgetting our plans. Goal setting doesn’t have to be that way. With a few simple steps, you can make achieving your goals a simple yet powerful process work for you.

Here are 5 easy steps to stay focused:

1. Know why you want to achieve your goals

Ask yourself, what is important about achieving my goals? We are all individuals with skills and talents and hopes and dreams. The purpose of goals is to turn your dreams and interests into measureable achievements. All we need to do is understand that there is greatness in each and every one of us and then find a way to live up to that potential. We do this by setting goals and committing to achieving them.

2. Identify exactly you want to achieve in 2016

This is the easiest part of goal setting. Just ask yourself, “What is it that I would like to achieve in 2016?” and then ask “How will this help me accomplish my career/business goals?” Once you are clear about what you want to achieve and why, then move to the next step.

3. Write 5 goals

To go from wishful thinking to actually achieving your goals, write down your top 5 commitments. Why is this important? The research is conclusive. Dr. Gail Matthews, a psychology professor at Dominican University in California, did a study on goal-setting. She found that you are 42 percent more likely to achieve your goals just by writing them down. From my experience, either writing on paper or on a whiteboard gives a strong effect. So write down your goals. Make these goals visible so you see them every day and at various locations throughout the day.

4. Make goals measureable

After you have determined what you would like to achieve, how will you plan to make your goal a reality? You need concrete steps to get to your destination. To get from point A to B, you need to have a plan. Make your goals measurable, and include dates for completion.  Example: “I want to increase my professional network by 100 people by December 31, 2016.  Each month I will attend a company sponsored event and/or a professional association program.  At all of these events, I will meet at least 10 new people and add then them to my network.  By the end of 2016, I will have added at a minimum 120 people into my professional network.”

5. Do something every day to get you closer to your goal

How do you make sure that you will reach your goals? Work on your goals every single day. It doesn’t matter if you spend ten minutes or if you spend two hours on them. Work on pieces of your goals every single day so it is inevitable you will get what you want. I look at my goals in the morning and then before I go to bed each evening. This helps me to stay focused on achieving what is important for me.

Implement these 5 simple steps and you too will have a greater chance to get what you desire. Every person who has a career objective to reach a senior level position has a vision and goals to help reach that vision.

Have you written down your goals for 2016?

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