The Executive Presence Group’s (EPG) Coaching Program

Why Hiring a Coach Might Be the Best Thing You Ever Do

Are you’re tired, frustrated or perhaps even afraid that you’ve lost your inner drive to succeed? Are you paralyzed with uncertainty? Are you a little less sure of yourself than you used to be? Are you starting your journey to reach an executive level position, and are not sure where to begin? Or are you well on your way and wondering if you want to take the next step? We’ve been in your shoes and know the pitfalls facing women in business today.

Working with a professional coach can help you get re-empowered with the confidence and drive you need to stay focused on your goals. Immerse yourself in a series of customized coaching sessions designed to create the empowering habits that are aligned with your mission.

Our Coaches

All of EPG’s coaches have coached women leaders and executives for many years. In addition, they have all been senior business leaders themselves. After years of working in their respective fields, leaning from their mistakes, using best practices to earn their stripes, and building their practice as coaches, they have a comprehensive understanding of the specific assumptions, beliefs and behaviors that can limit a woman’s potential to advance in the workplace. Our coaches are all certified by the International Coach Federation (ICF) and are experienced in diagnosing your unique challenges and in helping you reach your goals.

Programs for Working with a Coach By Phone and Email

A coaching engagement conducted on the phone is a cost-effective and productive method to help you to reach your goals quickly.  While we have options for different types of engagements, let us know if you have other needs and we can customize a program for you. The fees are based upon the types of engagement and all are payable in advance.  Each phone session is 50 minutes long, with the last 10 minutes for summary, assignments and goal setting.  The 90-minute session includes 80 minutes of coaching and 10 minutes of summarizing and plans for next steps. Of course, if you are not satisfied, we’ll gladly find out why and find the best resolution for you.

Coaching Feedback To Improve Your Presentation

Send us a 3-5 minute video clip of an important presentation. We will email you customized feedback about your style, content and other areas to improve your executive presence.

Is Coaching For Me?
1 Hour – $75.00

This one hour session will expose you to coaching and help you to determine if coaching “is right for me”. During this session you’ll experience a real time coaching session without any pressure to commit to more sessions.

How to Understand Your Everything DISC® Profile
1 1/2 Hours – $250.00

Have you ever wondered why some people just don’t get you? Or ever thought “I cannot even begin to know what my boss needs—even when I ask her, I still don’t know.” Or, “Why am I having such a difficult time getting along with the guy in marketing?”

Most of us have felt that way at one time or another. The good news is that there’s a simple tool designed to help you understand yourself AND other people too. Everything DiSC® assessment helps you build more effective working relationships based on an understanding of different behavioral styles.

During this ninety minute session your coach reviews and interprets your results from either the Everything DiSC® Workplace or Everything DiSC®Management Profile. At the conclusion of the session, you will understand your — and others’ — behavioral styles, and have a proven plan to implement changes to improve your working relationships.

This session includes taking the EDiSC® Workplace or management Profile prior to the coaching. The EDiSC®Workplace assessment is for individual contributors and the the EDISC®Management is for those managing others.

Situational Coaching
1 Hour – $200.00

Sometimes you just need support or someone to listen to you as a sounding board. You may not want to or need an on-going coaching relationship — just a one-time 90-minute coaching call. Here are examples of some just-in-time, on-the-spot coaching situations:

  • A time-sensitive challenging situation
  • Arriving at a crossroads and unable to make a decision
  • An opportunity arises; what is best way to take advantage of it?
  • Need help getting motivated
  • How to be heard and seen
  • Clarify thinking when there is difficulty seeing a situation clearly
  • Brainstorm options for dealing with a challenging employee/colleague/boss
  • You have an important meeting, presentation, report or discussion to prepare for and need to increase the probability of getting the results you want
  • You have an interpersonal challenge that is causing you concern and frustration

Develop Your Journey to the C-Suite
5 one-hour sessions $1,000.00

Your Journey to the C-Suite Coaching Program identifies your core motivators and strengths to align your passions/interests/values with one career path or several. We take a holistic approach and review all aspects of your life in this session, but the primary focus is your career. This discussion is strictly focused on creating your plan to reach the C-Suite. This program helps you to map a journey to achieve a sustaining, rewarding and fulfilling career with opportunities for advancement.  This program helps at every stage of your career. Many clients return after about 12-16 months to start planning their next career move so they don’t stagnate and can continue to find fulfilling work as they move up. Estimate one hour for a career update.

Executive Presence Coaching
5 one-hour sessions $1,500.00

This coaching helps you as a leader develop a polished image, project self-confidence and communicate in ways appropriate to you organization’s expectations of senior leaders. It helps developing leaders who are moving into upper levels of management and gaining exposure to high-impact audiences.

Potential areas of focus include:

  • Developing a personal style and appearance that is professional and fits the organization’s culture.
  • Increasing awareness of the impact of non-verbal communication, vocal tone and speech patterns.
  • Communicating at an appropriate level of detail and formality based on the audience.
  • Practicing being fully present, listening actively, giving and receiving feedback.
  • Establishing credibility through self-promotion without arrogance.
  • Monitoring and managing personal style and communication in stressful situations.
  • Learning how to establish an executive tone.
  • Developing the ability to transition from being seen as “junior” to senior.”

Sessions are customized and designed to help you build your executive presence.

Coaching with EverythingDISC® Workplace profile
1 Hour coaching, includes profile – $150.00

  • How to build more effective working relationships
    Have you ever wondered why some people just don’t get you? Or ever thought “I cannot even begin to know what my boss needs—even when I ask her, I still don’t know.” Or, “Why am I having such a difficult time getting along with the guy in marketing?”Most of us have felt that way at one time or another! The good news is there’s a simple tool designed to help you understand yourself AND other people too. Everything DiSC® helps you build more effective working relationships based on an understanding of different behavioral styles.

    This one hour session will explain the Everything DiSC® model and discuss your customized profile.

  • Everything DiSC® Workplace
    This profile is recommended as a starting point to understand your behavioral style and the style of others around you, regardless of a title or role. After completing the assessment and receiving your customized profile, you will understand how to build more effective relationships and improve the quality of your relationships at work. The Everything DiSC® Workplace profile is a research-validated DiSC-based online profile that will provide you with a customized 20-page report.

Coaching with EverythingDiSC® Management profile
1 Hour coaching, includes profile – $150.00

  • How to be a more effective manager
    Have you ever wondered why some people just don’t get you? Or why some are easier to motivate than others. Or ever thought “I cannot even begin to know what my boss needs—even when I ask her, I still don’t know.” Or, “Why am I having such a difficult time delegating a task?”Most of us have felt that way at one time or another! The good news is there’s a simple tool designed to help you understand yourself AND other people too. Everything DiSC® helps you build more effective working relationships based on an understanding of different behavioral styles.

    This one hour session will explain the Everything DiSC® model and discuss your customized profile.

  • Everything DiSC® Management
    This profile is recommended if you are a manager or soon to be a manager. The Everything DiSC® Management profile helps you as a manager to understand your strengths as a manager, to build more effective relationships with your employees, and to understand your own manager’s style. The Everything DiSC® Management Profile is a research-validated DiSC-based online profile that generates a management-specific 26-page report.

Transition Coaching
6 one-hour sessions $1,500.00

Studies indicate that 40 percent of senior level hires de-rail or experience career-limiting mistakes within the first 90 days of being in their role. This often occurs because they do not effectively integrate into the culture, understand the business strategy and/or are challenged by particular key competencies and skills sets.

Designed for leaders in transition, this offering provides an effective way to avoid common pitfalls, incorporates feedback and gives you the tools and strategies necessary to address specific development challenges.

Sessions are customized to your specific issues as they relate to the typical pitfalls that occur during “first 90 days” of a transition.

Customized Executive Coaching
As needed $250.00 per hour

The customized executive coaching is designed to empower you to make key behavioral changes that will positively impact you, your teams, and your organization. You are not interested in the quick fix, you need lasting change.  You are building a sustainable, empowering future. Based on proven coaching methodologies, the process leverages the learning gained during a review of the ED® Workplace or ED® Management Profile. A debriefing session results in action planning and establishment of goals.

To support your growth and development, the coach facilitates increased self-awareness, promotes the constructive use of feedback, and provides support and accountability for committed action. During each session, the coach helps you achieve a new level of self-awareness, provides assignments and evaluates progress. You are willing to do the work to make changes, as this rigorous coaching process is designed to achieve specific behavior changes that will have an immediate impact on your performance.

Sessions are customized and designed to help you think, speak and lead more clearly. The number of sessions needed is agreed upon with the coach.


Be empowered with the confidence and drive you need to stay focused on your goals. Immerse yourself in a series of coaching sessions designed to create empowering habits that are aligned with your mission. If you don’t see what you need listed or if you have other needs, we can customize a program just for you.

If you are committed to accomplishing your goals, this is where you want to be.